X men movie timeline
X men movie timeline

  • Charles Xavier earns a PhD in Genetics from Oxford University.
  • Erik Lehnsherr begins his personal vendetta against Sebastian Shaw.
  • Moira MacTaggert begins investigating Sebastian Shaw, eventually leading her to discover mutants and meet Charles Xavier.
  • A young Bolivar Trask hypothesizes the link between traceable higher-order brain function and certain genetic mutations.
  • Major General Edwin Partridge retires from the Army. All funding for this project will be attributed to "private living quarters". The bunker, code-named "Cocoon", is designed to help the president's brother, Attorney-General Robert F. Kennedy to build an underground bunker below the White House during its extensive renovation undertaken by his wife Jackie.
  • Plans are approved by President John F.
  • William Stryker begins his work on mutants.
  • Emma Frost meets Sebastian Shaw and he convinces her to join the Hellfire Club.
  • Emma Frost begins working for mob boss Vinny Lavecchia in Las Vegas, using her telepathic powers to help him win money.
  • Maximoff resulting in the births of his children, Peter and Wanda however, Erik leaves before they born not knowing of their existence.

    x men movie timeline

  • Erik Lehnsherr has a short relationship with Ms.
  • Watson and Francis Crick discover the double helix structure of DNA. He recruits Azazel and Riptide as henchmen and bodyguards.
  • Sebastian Shaw opens the Hellfire Club, a gambling and drinking establishment that he uses as a front for his secret mutant supremacy operations.
  • Erik Lehnsherr visits America for the first time and sees the Statue of Liberty. Sometime between 19, he returns to Europe, disillusioned with America's image as the land of "tolerance and peace".
  • James Howlett saves Ichirō Yashida's life during the Nagasaki bombing.
  • James Howlett transfers from Europe to the Pacific by this time. Prior to August 9, he is imprisoned in a Japanese POW camp near Nagasaki.
  • James Howlett and Victor Creed participate in the D-Day Invasion, serving in the U.S.
  • Raven is soon adopted as Charles' foster sister.
  • Charles Xavier and Raven Darkholme meet each other as children in Xavier's mansion.
  • Erik is experimented on by Sebastian Shaw.
  • While imprisoned at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Erik Lehnsherr's mutant powers start to manifest.
  • Oswald Avery, Colin Munro MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty show that DNA can transform the properties of cells - thus clarifying the chemical nature of genes.
  • Charles Xavier's mutant abilities start to manifest.
  • The term "genetic engineering" is first used by Danish microbiologist Alfred Jost.
  • The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl begin.
  • Muller demonstrates that radiation can induce artificial mutations.
  • James Howlett and Victor Creed fight for the U.S.
  • The basic principles of Mendelian genetics are applied to the fruit fly.
  • Wilhelm Johannsen, a Danish botanist, invents the term "gene" to describe the biological unit of heredity.
  • Hugo de Vries, Erich von Tschermak, and Carl Correns independently rediscover and verify Mendel's theories, marking the beginning of modern genetics.
  • Johann Friedrich Miescher extracts what comes to be known as DNA from the nuclei of white blood cells.
  • Gregor Johann Mendel establishes the theory of hereditary traits through his work with pea plants.
  • James Howlett and Victor Creed fight for the Union in the American Civil War.
  • Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species, introducing that genetic evolution allows adaptation over time to produce organisms best suited to the environment.
  • James and his half-brother Victor Creed run away.
  • James kills Thomas Logan, his biological father.
  • James Howlett's mutation starts to manifest.
  • John Howlett, James' stepfather, is killed by Thomas Logan.
  • The Phoenix Force destroys the D'Bari planet and they begin to follow it across the cosmos to claim its power for their own.
  • Apocalypse is betrayed by his worshipers, who entomb him alive.
  • Apocalypse (as En Sabah Nur) telekinetically assembles the pyramids in Ancient Egypt.
  • Over the next few thousand years, he conquers and destroys many civilizations and is worshipped as a god by many.

    x men movie timeline x men movie timeline

  • Apocalypse is born as the world's first mutant.

  • X men movie timeline